Hamster Kombat: Posting Is Coming!


Hamster Kombat: Posting Is Coming!

By: Matt Leppington

Refreshed: June 14, 2024 | 6 min read

Hamster Kombat: Posting Is Coming!

Hamster Kombat is the most recent sensation in friendly clicking games, taking the idea higher than ever with its creative elements. Notwithstanding the standard tapping mechanics, players can turn into the Chief of a level 1 trade, watch their hamsters develop, and purchase moves up to help their "pay." The game's tentative arrangements remember posting for trades, permitting players to trade their in-game coins for genuine cryptographic money.

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The Ascent of Hamster Kombat

Sent off on Walk 25, 2024, on The Open Organization (TON), Hamster Kombat has in no time turned into a peculiarity in the cryptographic money gaming world. Inside only 11 days, the game arrived at 1 million players. As of June 14, 2024, the game flaunts an amazing 148 million clients, with more than 40 million everyday dynamic players. This fast development has made Hamster Kombat the biggest Message bunch ever, with 31 million devotees, and situated it as a serious contender to other famous clicker games on TON, as Notcoin.

Great Measurements

Day for kickoff: Walk 25, 2024

1 Million Players: In 11 days or less

Absolute Players (June 14, 2024): 148 million

Everyday Dynamic Clients: 40 million

Concurrent Web based Gamers: Over 6.5 million

Is Hamster Kombat a Trick?

Regardless of its mind boggling insights, some have scrutinized the authenticity of Hamster Kombat, thinking it to be a ponzi conspire. Be that as it may, the game has been supported by Message and TON, establishing its validity. The designers have spread out a straightforward guide, with a symbolic send off anticipated summer 2024 and an impending whitepaper.

Remarkable Highlights of the Game

Hamster Kombat hangs out in the jam-packed play-to-procure kind by offering various remarkable highlights:

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Everyday Prizes and Extraordinary Errands: Boost players to sign in day to day and complete assignments to procure focuses and compensates.

Successive Giveaways: Keep the energy alive and energize nonstop support.

In-Game Social Sharing: Players can welcome companions, growing their in-game organization and acquiring extra rewards.

Upgradeable Hamsters: Players can utilize awards to redesign their hamsters, improving execution and acquiring potential.

Interactivity Mechanics

Procuring and Spending Focuses

Players can procure large number of coins everyday through tapping mechanics and getting done with responsibilities. By doling out various cards to their hamsters, players can altogether support their coin income each hour. Day to day assignments and exceptional occasions offer extra tokens fundamental for advancing in the game.

Accomplice Channels and Rewards

Hamster Kombat has collaborated with different channels, offering players more focuses and restrictive prizes. The reference program is especially worthwhile, with players procuring 5,000 coins for every companion who joins through their outside reference and 25,000 coins in the event that the companion buys into Message Premium.

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Rank Movement and Advantages

As players aggregate coins, they can step up, opening more grounded advantages and expanding their coin profit per click. This movement framework helps ongoing interaction as well as offers boasting privileges.

Systems for Progress in Hamster Kombat

To prevail in Hamster Kombat, players need to:

Get done with Day to day Jobs and Exceptional Occasions: These are fundamental for procuring focuses and tokens.

Update Hamsters and Tokens: Spotlight on overhauling hamsters with the best benefit per-hour potential.

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Draw in with the Local area and Reference Program: Dynamic cooperation locally and welcoming companions can yield huge prizes.

Eventual fate of Hamster Kombat

Organizations and Trades

Hamster Kombat is preparing for a critical effect on the crypto gaming scene, with organizations and possible postings on significant trades like BingX. Players are urged to set up a TonCoin wallet in anticipation of the symbolic send off, planned for July 2024.

Airdrop Date and Token Send off

The expected symbolic age occasion (TGE) is set for July 2024, with an airdrop in light of players' benefit per-hour in the game.

Exploring the Crypto Gaming Scene

Hamster Kombat keeps on producing organizations with central participants in both the crypto and gaming ventures, guaranteeing its development and significance in the high speed universe of crypto gaming. With 148 million players and then some, Hamster Kombat is set to stay a central part in the business, offering a thrilling mix of procedure, humor, and certifiable prizes.

By staying aware of these updates and procedures, players can augment their Hamster Kombat experience and possibly receive critical benefits. What's in store looks brilliant for Hamster Kombat and its consistently developing local area of players.

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